J/80 painted with VC17m

The popular VC17m produced by International Yacht Paint will be retired from the market on May 6th 2024 and prohibited its use from November 8th 2024. So what now? I was hoping in a conversion paint that can be over coated, however, International reply is “If you want to continueContinue Reading

I was supposed to write this earlier on this spring, however, it did not happen and now a long time due, let us view at one of the performance optimization carried on during the past winter: sharpening the trailing edges of underwater foils. The keel trailing edge comes from theContinue Reading

Finally spring is in the air. The temperature swings between 6 and 9 degrees Celsius. The keel has been sanded with sand paper grit 80. Rust spots have been sanded away to bare metal and painted with two component epoxy primer International VC TAR2. Next step is to putty whereContinue Reading