1. Sailed not aggressively enough for lack of confidence. In all of the 3 of the 4 major races we have not sailed at full potential, reducing sail to avoid messing up the taking a reef when it would get airy, or not deploying appropriate downwind sail area to avoidContinue Reading

Spinlock clutches loads

During the previous seasons we have struggled with the main halyard. As soon as we turned upwind or the wind freshened up, the halyard would glide about 4cm through the clutch on the coachroof. The Sun Fast comes from the factory mounting Spinlock XAS clutches with cams for ropes betweenContinue Reading

SXK 24timmar autumn 2019 with crew

The sailing club SXK organizes regularly distance races in Sweden, usually one in spring, one in autumn and a final one in winter for the brave ones. These regattas are called 24-timmars although they can be 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 or 120 hours sailing, however 24 hours is oneContinue Reading

Spinnaker sailing can be exhilarating and for many, a reason to sail altogether! I am not among those, but I do love spinnaker sailing and mine goes up anytime it is possible – sometimes even when it is not, but that’s another story. Because the forces are so great, theContinue Reading

In order to reduce induced drag as well as increase sail area and possibility to twist the new mainsail has a larger roach. A flicker to lift the backstay was the solution and a popular one at that. This, in turn, required a dyneema backstay, light enough. Furthermore, trimming theContinue Reading

Harken selftailing winches servicing

Veloce is equipped with a pair of Harken self-tailing winches 32 on the cabin top at each side of the companionway and a pair of larger Harken self-tailing winches 40 at each side of the cockpit. Winches are critical on any boat over a certain displacement and sail area, theyContinue Reading

Finally spring is in the air. The temperature swings between 6 and 9 degrees Celsius. The keel has been sanded with sand paper grit 80. Rust spots have been sanded away to bare metal and painted with two component epoxy primer International VC TAR2. Next step is to putty whereContinue Reading