Oset Race Tune Up

Stora Oset Race is a classic regatta that plays out in the Northern archipelago of Gothenburg, starting and ending at Björlanda Kile and arranged by the local sailing club BKSS. It takes place early in the season. An inshore race spiced by a brief taste of open sea. Short enoughContinue Reading

jib inhauler detail

The latest upgrade is a new jib and genoa inhauler system to match the new headsail inventory. How it works A jib inhauler allows a smaller sheeting angle, it reduces the slot between jib and main and makes it possible for the mainsail to be sheeted further in. The ideaContinue Reading

Solo på Havet - Jack Cohen

Longing for that feeling of awe that comes from many hours alone at sea with no land in sight? “Solo på Havet” might just be what you are looking for. Adventure sailing with a competitive streak. Fabian Tillig, who last year came up with “Solotrubaduren” (Blur full report here) setContinue Reading


Now 3D printing is no an accessible technology. With loads of applications and 3D printing boat parts is emerging as a trend. No surprise at all, in fact. It is easy, cheap, repeatable and very accurate. Do you need a low-cost, easy to make prototype for a new solution onContinue Reading

target speed veloce

Some time ago I wrote about the ORC Speed Guide (here my previous article ORC Speed Guide), one of the ORC services available to its members. I promised that, as soon as the new sail inventory landed, I would request a speed guide for Veloce and describe what we gotContinue Reading

Fjällmans Shorthanded Cup Search Magazine

If you are addicted to shorthanded sailing, look out for Fjällmans Shorthanded Cup series on the Swedish West Coast. The series consists of 4 regattas, Dubbelt Så Bra, Pantaenius Bohusracet, Robline Skagen Race and Öckerö Shorthanded Race. Check out my article for the published results 2020 and videos from someContinue Reading

Ostar Challange Cup

Double and single-handed sailing is what we love and do. And when we don’t, we dream of it. One personal dream is the OSTAR. Perhaps because of the challenge, or perhaps because of what it represents to a solo sailor. Either way, for 14 solo sailors this dream is yetContinue Reading

Aeolos P30 Racer

It perhaps borrows its name from the Greek God of Winds. Or from Aeolos son of Poseidon, God of the Seas. Either way, Hans Genthe‘s carbon rocket Aeolos P30 Racer nears its readiness, harness the winds and slice through the seas. A few months ago I wrote about the originalContinue Reading

Father and son racing shorthanded

Father and son, racing offshore shorthanded around Ireland. How cool is that? Firstly, it is just beautiful to watch. What a relation they must have forged and what adventures and memories shared! Secondly. they make the perfect crew, knowing each other inside out, at sea and on land. Thirdly, thisContinue Reading